17  Slide presentations

17.1 Revealjs presentations

17.1.2 Create the project

  • Start by creating a GitHub repo.
  • Create a gh-pages branch in GitHub.
  • Set the repositories source branch to gh-pages. https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html#source-branch
    • Settings > Pages > Deploy from branch & select gh-pages as the branch.
  • Clone the repo to your computer.
  • Open a new RStudio session.
  • Create a new project in an existing directory. Use the cloned directory.
  • In the project, create a new file titled _quarto.yml with the following content.
  title: "Project Name"
  • Create a new Quarto file named index.qmd. Update the yml header to look something like the following.
title: "Name on Title Slide"
subtitle: "Optional Subtitle"
date: "July 26, 2023"
    css: style.css
    preview-links: false
logo: uthealth_sph_logo.png
  • Notice that you can optionally add a CSS file as well.

17.1.3 Adding interactive quizzes/polls

So far, embedding Poll Everywhere activities seems to be the best choice.

17.1.4 What I did to publish the DSHS presentation

  • 2023-07-26: I created these notes while trying to publish the presentation I did for Texas DSHS.
  • When I began this process, I had already created the presentation in an R project.
  • Create a new GitHub repo (with nothing but a README file): https://github.com/brad-cannell/dshs-2023-07-26.
  • Create a gh-pages branch in GitHub.
  • Set the repositories source branch to gh-pages. https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html#source-branch
  • Settings > Pages > Deploy from branch & select gh-pages as the branch.
  • Clone the repo to your computer.
  • Copy and paste all of files I had already created into the newly cloned directory.
  • Rename the qmd file that creates the presentation to index.qmd. The gh-pages branch will look for an html file named index.
  • Render index.qmd. quarto render in terminal.
  • Commit and push all of the file changes.
  • In the terminal, type quarto publish gh-pages.
  • The presentation should appear at https://brad-cannell.github.io/dshs-2023-07-26.