16 PDF
Notes on exporting the book to pdf.
Not only how to render it to pdf, but is there an option
According to this, it looks like we can make a pdf downloadable by adding downloads: [pdf, epub]
to _quarto.yml
. In the config file for this test book, we added downloads: pdf
to the book options section.
Important: It looks like the option above only creates the link on the HTML page to download the pdf version of the book. However, a new pdf version of the book isn’t automatically rendered when we click the render button. You have to specifically render a pdf version separately from an html version.
We may want to think about creating an internal file with notes and a chunk that renders html and pdf when executed.
#| eval: false
quarto render
Even easier, you can do this with a native R code chunk.
The input argument: The input file or project directory to be rendered (defaults to rendering the project in the current working directory).
The output_format argument: Target output format (defaults to “html”). The option “all” will render all formats defined within the file or project.
#| Render with R
#| eval: false
quarto::quarto_render(output_format = "all")