
This page contains tables of baseline demographic characteristics for the 442 unique Link2Care participants. First, the statistics are presented below for all participants overall. Then, there are presented by randomization arm – Usual Care Management (UCM), Usual Care Management + Smart Phone (UCM+SM), and Link2Care (L2C).

Variable Name Key

The following table provides a description for each variable that appears in the following tables of descriptive statistics.

Overall Statistics

🔴 Testing out downloading

Example from the downloadthis website. This works, but Excel isn’t the most user-friendly format.

  • See if you can get it to download a word flextable.
  • Then go back and make one table for overall and by group.

Turn demographics_table into a flextable object.

demographics_table_ft <- flextable::flextable(demographics_table)
flextable::save_as_docx(demographics_table_ft, path = "demographics_overall.docx")

Statistics By Randomization Arm