
The information on this page is not likely to be useful to many users. Rather, this page is intended to assist with site maintenance.

Overview of the data

The data for these tables is currently housed at UTHealth-Houston on the Link2Care SharePoint site. Contact Brad Cannell at Michael.B.Cannell@uth.tmc.edu if you have questions about accessing the data.

The source data for all of the tables on this website is combined_participant_data.rds, which was created in the file link2care_public/data_survey_21_merge.Rmd and is stored on on the Link2Care SharePoint site at ../Participant Data/R Data/.

After importing the data, we modify it in the following ways before creating the descriptive tables:

  1. Keep rows for visit 1 and 2 only. The descriptive tables on this website currently contain baseline statistics only. Most of the baseline data was collected at visit 1. However, there were a handful of survey measures that were collected for the first time at visit 2.

  2. Keep rows for randomized participants only. We want the sample to include participants who were randomized only. We do not include participants who attended visit 1, but were not randomized.

The modifications listed above are made in import_data.R.

The table below contains other administrative information about the data for tracking and maintenance purposes.

Administrative information about the data

Attribute Value Description
Last updated: 2023-08-21 The date the tables on this website were last updated.
Source data: combined_participant_data.rds The name of the dataset used to create the tables on this website.
Source data path: ../Participant Data/R Data/ The path to the source data.
Source data size: 8.9 Mb The size of the modified data used to create the tables on this website.
Source data row count: 813 The number of rows currently contained in the data used to create the tables on this website.
Source data column count: 1,299 The number of columns/variables currently contained in the data used to create the tables on this website.
N participants: 406 The number of unique participants in the data used to create the tables on this website.
N UCM participants: 137 The number of unique participants in the data who were in the usual care management arm of the Link2Care study.
N UCM+SP participants: 136 The number of unique participants in the data who were in the usual care management plus smart phone arm of the Link2Care study.
N L2C participants: 134 The number of unique participants in the data who were in the Link2Care arm of the Link2Care study.


The full codebook for the source data is available at: https://github.com/brad-cannell/link2care_public/blob/master/codebooks/Combined%20Participant%20Survey%20Data%20Codebook.pdf